Meals from our Heart – Momento creating memories
Sharing a very special letter we received this week after our second volunteering session this year for Meals from the Heart at Westmead
Dear Momento,
Momento happens to be the Spanish word for ✨ moment and last night our friends at Momento Hospitality visited us once again to prepare Meals from the Heart but also to create special moments for our families.
It’s safe to say they achieved what they set out to do, based on this very special message we received today from a Mum at the House, who expressed her thanks for providing a “moment of joy, in a very dark time”…
“Thank you SO much to all those involved in yesterday’s wonderful party afternoon of face-painting, crafts, games, and the most delicious food.
It touched us so much – we’ve been here for over a month now, away from family, friends, school, and daycare in Perth – it was just the most heartwarming, most fun, and beautiful afternoon we’ve had in a long time. All the helpers and volunteers were just great with the kids and seemed so genuinely happy to be here!
My 5yo daughter is being assessed/treated for inoperable liver cancer, and she (and her nearly 3yo sister) have not been so happy and excited and loving life, since her diagnosis in Easter.
Thank you from two very tired parents, who had a moment of joy in a very dark time” Miranda, Mum of Libby (pictured in her crown with her little sister Ada)”
Mel Smyth
Programs Manager RMHC Greater Western Sydney